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INDEX: Index of a group-subgroup pair

Index of a group-subgroup pair
The program INDEX calculates the index of a group subgroup pair. The index can be calculated in two different ways given:
  • Option A

    • The space group ITA numbers.
    • The number of formula units per conventional unit cell.

  • Option B

    • The space group ITA numbers.
    • The lattice parameters.
The number of formula units per conventional unit cell Zc is simply related to the number Z of formula units per primitive unit cell via the so-called centring factor f, Z=Zc/f, with f=1 for primitive lattices, 2 for I-, C-, B-, A- centred, 3 for R-centred and 4 for F-centred lattice.
Please, enter the sequential number of group as given in International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. A :
Please, enter the sequential number of group as given in International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. A :

  • Option A: Introduce the formula units (conventional) of the high and low symmetry structure.
The formula units (conventional) on the high symmetry structure:
The formula units (conventional) on the low symmetry structure:

  • Option B: Introduce the lattice parameters of the high and low symmetry structure.
The lattice parameters on the high symmetry structure:
The lattice parameters on the low symmetry structure:

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